Year of last revision to administrative code: 2015
Most challenging aspects associated with introducing and passing interlock legislation: State employees cannot approach the legislator and need a champion to do so.
Changes for program improvement being pursued: Compliance-based monitoring and regulation updates.
Who is eligible for an interlock in your state according to legislation (Data provided by CIIM): All impaired drivers
Can impaired drivers 'wait out' their interlock requirement: No
Is an interlock required on test refusal: Yes
Program Authority
Type of program: Administrative
Agency/agencies with authority over the interlock program: Driver Licensing, Department of Motor Vehicles, Department of Health
Agency/agencies with authority over participant monitoring: Driver Licensing, Department of Motor Vehicles, Department of Health
Agency/agencies with authority over sanctioning interlock program participants: Driver licensing, Department of Motor Vehicles
Agency/agencies with authority to approve devices: Driver licensing, Department of Motor Vehicles
Training available for judges, law enforcement, and lawyers: The Department of Health will conduct training when asked.
Program Features
Hardship license available to first offenders: No
Hardship license available to repeat offenders: No
Hardship license (First offenders, Repeat offenders, All): No
Lookback period: 5 years
Source of funding: Awaiting data
Indigent funding is available to participants: No
Qualification requirements for indigent funding: Awaiting data
Frequency of interlock device service: 30-60 days
Participation Rate: Awaiting data
Number of interlock program participants in 2019: >2,000
Indicator used to determine the number of participants in the interlock program (e.g., certificate of device installation, certificate of device removal): Installation certificate
Indicator(s) used in state as the best measure(s) of the eligible population of offenders for the interlock program to determine the program participation rate: Number of orders vs. number of installs
Penalties for non-compliance:Lockout and early recall.
Program Length
Length of Hard Suspension
1st offenders: 6 months
2nd offenders: 24 months
3rd offenders: 36 months
4th and subsequent offenders: 48 months
Interlock Program Length
1st offenders: 6 months
2nd offenders: 24 months
3rd offenders: 36+ months
4th and subsequent offenders: Awaiting data
Program length is extended for non-compliance: No
Length of extension for non-compliance: Awaiting data
Program length is reduced for compliance: No
Length of reduction for compliance: There is no reduction in IID length for compliance.
Frequency of sanctions imposed for non-compliance: Rarely
Program exit requirements: Completed period of installation required
Treatment is required for the interlock program: None
Components applied to treatment: None
Data Collection & Management
Agency responsible for collecting data: Driver control
Overview of Data Management: Little interlock data is collected because there is no way to use it to enforce program requirements.
Barriers to data collection: Awaiting data
Vendors in State
Vendor Oversight
Number of Vendors in State: 9
Agency responsible for vendor oversight: Department of Health
Approval process for new vendors: Letter of intentCompliance with 2013 NHTSA specsQuality assuranceMaintenance manualInsuranceSample device
Vendor recertification: No
Interlock technology features
(Data provided by CIIM): None