

Kansas Legislation

Year of last legislative change: Awaiting data
Year of last revision to administrative code: Awaiting data
Most challenging aspects associated with introducing and passing interlock legislation:
Unsure of agency responsible to submit legislation.
Changes for program improvement being pursued:
Changing calibration from every 60-days to 30-daysCompliance-based removalIID designation fund. Each IID client is required to get an IID license, which costs $10. These funds go supporting the vendor oversight program. Funds from manufacturers are via an MOA.
Who is eligible for an interlock in your state according to legislation (Data provided by CIIM):
All impaired drivers
Can impaired drivers 'wait out' their interlock requirement:
Is an interlock required on test refusal:

Program Authority

Type of program: Hybrid
Agency/agencies with authority over the interlock program:
Driver's Licensing, Law Enforcement
Agency/agencies with authority over participant monitoring:
Law Enforcement
Agency/agencies with authority over sanctioning interlock program participants:
Driver's Licensing, Law Enforcement
Agency/agencies with authority to approve devices:
Driver's Licensing, Law Enforcement
Training available for judges, law enforcement, and lawyers:
KHP training. KHP has conducted approximately 100 different IIDs training sessions over the last few years. KDOT lunch appreciation sessions are used to provide IID sessions. KHP also conducts IID training for prosecutors at all of their conferences.SFST. The SFST 2-year refreshed training has an IID component.Role call videos. KSRTO is producing role call videos for IID compliance, enforcement, and roadside stops (i.e., what to look for). They are also producing quick cards for law enforcement, which is a reference card for the IID program and has a flow chart for the process. IID e-mail. The IID e-mail is available to vendors so that they can e-mail regarding any issues with clients. These e-mails will be flagged by KHP. Academy training. IID is now taught at the academy. They learn how to test at the roadside and what to look for when they pull someone over with an IID requirement.

Program Features

Hardship license available to first offenders: No
Hardship license available to repeat offenders: No
Hardship license (First offenders, Repeat offenders, All): No
Lookback period: Awaiting data
Source of funding: Awaiting data
Indigent funding is available to participants: Yes
Qualification requirements for indigent funding: Receipt of food stamps or social assistanceBelow the poverty line
Frequency of interlock device service: 30 days


Participation Rate: Awaiting data
Number of interlock program participants in 2019: >2,000
Indicator used to determine the number of participants in the interlock program (e.g., certificate of device installation, certificate of device removal):
Installation and removal
Indicator(s) used in state as the best measure(s) of the eligible population of offenders for the interlock program to determine the program participation rate:
Number of impaired driving convictions
Penalties for non-compliance: Awaiting data

Program Length

Length of Hard Suspension

1st offenders: 12 months
2nd offenders: 12 months
3rd offenders: 12 months
4th and subsequent offenders: Awaiting data

Interlock Program Length

1st offenders: 6 months (with a 24 month maximum)
2nd offenders: 12 months (with a 36 month maximum)
3rd offenders: 12 months (with a 120 month maximum)
4th and subsequent offenders: Awaiting data


Program length is extended for non-compliance: No
Length of extension for non-compliance: Awaiting data
Program length is reduced for compliance: No
Length of reduction for compliance: Awaiting data
Frequency of sanctions imposed for non-compliance: Rarely
Program exit requirements: Awaiting data


Treatment is required for the interlock program: Yes
Components applied to treatment: Yes

Data Collection & Management

Agency responsible for collecting data: Highway Patrol
Overview of Data Management: Installations, removals, and applications for vendors
Barriers to data collection: Paper-based
Vendors in State

Vendor Oversight

Number of Vendors in State: 8
Agency responsible for vendor oversight: Highway Patrol
Approval process for new vendors: Awaiting data
Vendor recertification: Awaiting data
Interlock technology features (Data provided by CIIM): Camera
Radius requirement for service centers: Yes
Radius requirement: Each vendor must have a service center in all 31 judicial districts